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Omnium Gatherum
Omnium Gatherum is an anthology series where no two episodes will be the same. Each season will have an ongoing theme, but each episode will be a different take or idea on that theme. You may have one episode take place on a college campus and the next in a post-apocalyptic wasteland! You never know what you're going to get, but you know that you'll be in for a ride.
Samantha Hines

Samantha Hines (She/Her) is a co-producer for Omnium Gatherum this semester. She is a junior Communications Studies student who has a minor in Creative Writing and Writing for the Screen and Stage. She’s excited to continue working with all the wonderful people at STV this semester!
Joseph Brentjens

Meet Joseph (He/Him)! He is a co-producer for Omnium Gatherum and is a junior English major with a concentration in creative writing. He is also in the Writing for the Screen and Stage program. If you have any interest in the show or anything please feel free to reach out! His email is
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